The Satanist (Behemoth) - This CD is a couple years old at this point, but I've listened to it a lot this year, and there wasn't anything else that topped it. A masterful piece of metal, it grabs you by the throat and pummels you through the aether. Ridiculously fast, hard-hitting - the very definition of brutal - but there are moments of grace and beauty in the depths as well. One of the best metal albums I've ever heard.
The Familiar: Vol. 3 - Into the Forest (Mark Z Danielewski) - At times, it's understandable and even agreeable why Danielewski's latest could be called a big pretentious slog. But there's such beauty here, such power, such insight... if you give it a chance, the book will confuse you, entrance you, and even inspire you.
Swiss Army Man (dir. Dans) - Literally the most artsy-fartsy movie you could ever see, I loved almost every minute of it. Weird, unpredictable, touching, poignant... Swiss Army Man is at its best when it's free-wheeling between humanist angst and scatological absurdity; it drags a bit at the end when it tries to anchor itself in reality, but just about everything else about is a joyous celebration of life, love, lust, loss... Can't recommend it enough. My favorite this year.